Saturday, August 1, 2009

Happy Birthday, Lewis!

July 29th, at 2:11 PM, Lewis joined us in the world. He weighed in at 7lbs 7 oz. and was 19.5 inches long. Observants agree that Lewis has his daddy's hair (no doubt) and his mom's chin and jawline. Lewis' hands are HUGE (maybe from his great-grandpa Flajnik?) and he still has some newborn "fur" on his back complimenting his full black head of hair :)

Delivery was very pleasant, I went in for a scheduled c-section at St. David's hospital. We were all thrown for a bit of a curve when the surgery, originally scheduled for 4PM, was moved up at the last minute to 2PM. We were excited to become parents a few hours earlier than anticipated. In total, the surgery took about 35 minutes and Lewis was delivered in the first 15 minutes (the wonders of modern medicine!). The scheduled c-section was due to Lewis being breach, and when he was born, we saw how breach he was! He arrived butt first (insert joke here) and was folded up, feet next to his head. As the nurses cleaned him and checked him out, his legs flailed around and wanted to remain up by his ears.

After a short recovery pediod, I was reunited with Lewis and Mark. We then were able to show him to our family who joined us at the hospital (Grandma and Grandpa Rangel and Lewis and Uncle Robert).

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